Artana Novoberda castle

Kosovo Geography

Geographic information about Kosova

Kosovo is in the middle of the Southeastern Europe. Having occupied the central position in the Balkan Peninsula, Kosovo represents important connection between Central and South Europe, Adriatic Sea, and Black Sea.
Surface of Kosovo is 10,908.1 km².
The climate in Kosovo is middle continental with hot summer and cold winter.
Kosovo has about 2 million inhabitants. Its density is about 193 people per km², and is divided into 33 municipalities.

Geographical coordination of Kosova

Coordination’s                     Degree/Minutes
Northern magnitude             43°16′
Southern magnitude            41°53′
Eastern magnitude               21°16′
Western magnitude             19°59′

Source: SOK, Cartography & GIS

Number of Municipalities and population in Kosovo

Nr.  Municipality    Population (Date: 31/12/2012)

1 Deçan 40,614
2 Gjakovë 96,071
3 Gllogoc 59,752
4 Gjilan 91,413
5 Dragash 34,410
6 Istog 40,150
7 Kaçanik 33,893
8 Klinë 39,467
9 Fushë Kosovë 36,897
10 Kamenicë 35,711
11 Mitrovicë 73,160
12 Mitrovica e V. 12,303
13 Leposaviq 13,682
14 Lipjan 58,909
15 Novobërdë 6,891
16 Obiliq 22,011
17 Rahovec 57,451
18 Pejë 98,237
19 Podujevë 89,185
20 Prishtinë 205,133
21 Prizren 181,756
22 Skenderaj 51,491
23 Shtime 27,940
24 Shtërpcë 6,966
25 Suharekë 61,190
26 Ferizaj 111,141
27 Viti 47,636
28 Vushtrri 71,042
29 Zubin Potok 6,592
30 Zveçan 7,421
31 Malishevë 56,189
32 Junik 6,212
33 Mamushë 5,695
34 Hani i Elezit 9,567
35 Graçanicë 11,197
36 Ranillug 3,842
37 Partesh 1,766
38 Kllokot 2,623
Total: 1,815,606



Your unique guide to visit Kosovo

Longitude of the borders of Kosovo with neighbor countries

Neighbor country             Length in km
Albania                              116.3
Macedonia                        167.6
Montenegro                       78.0
Serbia                                381.6
Total                                   743.5

Source: SOK, Cartography & GIS

Main lakes in Kosovo, surface in km²

Name             Municipality               Surface in km ²
Gazivodë         Z.Potok                    9,10
Radoniq          Gjakovë                    5,96
Batllavë          Podujevë                   3,27
Badovc           Prishtinë                   2,57

Source: SOK, Cartography & GIS

Main mountains in Kosovo

Name                  Region                       Height in meters
Gjeravica             Pejë                          2.656
Bistra                  Ferizaj                       2.640
Marjash               Pejë                          2.530
Luboteni             Ferizaj                       2.496
Mali i Strellcit        Pejë                         2.377
Mali i Lumbardhit   Pejë                      2.335
Source: SOK, Cartography & GIS

Main rivers in Kosova, length in km

Name                     The length of the rivers within the Kosovo territory in km

Drini i Bardhë             111.5
Sitnica                          110
Lumbardhi i Pejës        56
Morava e Binqës          67
Lepenci                         50
Ereniku                          38
Ibri                                  85
Lumbardhi i Prizrenit   36